Today in Hong Kong, China

Partly to mostly cloudy with a slight chance of showers and thunderstorms late at night. Low 79F. Winds SSW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 30%.

Thunderstorms likely. High 83F. Winds SSW at 15 to 25 mph. Chance of rain 80%. Locally heavy rainfall possible.

This weather data was last updated 2024-04-20 07:54:06.


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Hong Kong Weather

Hong Kong weather is sub-tropical climate that means that you experience summers which are hot and humid and winters which are mostly dry. If you have spoken to a person from Hong Kong about the Hong Kong weather, the first thing they will tell you is that you never know what you will get. You may have torrential rain one minute just to have the sun come out in the next. Hong Kong is also known as one of the cities with the most extreme weather. Typhoons hit the city directly; there are thunderstorms, landslides, black rain and extreme heat. The other side of the coin is that the city of Hong Kong does get a lot of sunshine every year. There are four seasons in Hong Kong which can be described by specific, individual characteristics.

Spring time Weather In Hong Kong

The springtime in Hong Kong weather is when you will see most of the rain accompanied by steamy humidity. The spring in Hong Kong goes from the month of March through May. This is the time of the year when Hong Kong weather can be the most unpredictable. You should not be fooled by the clear blue skies on top of the city because when you least expect it, the worse rainfall can hit the city. It is said by the people in Hong Kong that the best weather forecast that you can get is by looking out your window. The humidity is a known factor at the beginning of the season but by May, you feel the humidity hit you like a rock. If you are visiting the city during the spring, make sure that you bring a raincoat and shorts.

The Summer

The summer in Hong Kong weather happens from the month of June to August. The humidity is extreme and the clear skies and the sun do not make matters easier. Wearing formal clothing in the summer in Hong Kong weather is just a bad idea. You will be drenched by the time the day is over. Typhoons and thunderstorms happen often in the city of Hong Kong during the summer. This time of the year is not the best to visit. If you need to go to Hong Kong during the summer, forget the long sleeves and just pack t-shirts and shorts.

The Fall

If you are vacationing in the city of Hong Kong, then you could not do so at a better time than the fall. The months of September, October, November and even parts of December are what make up the fall in Hong Kong weather. The humidity drops and so do the temperatures. The skies remain bright so it is the perfect time for outdoor activities. There is less of a chance of unpredictable weather when you visit in the fall. One thing to know about the fall in Hong Kong is that the nights can in some cases get chilly, especially at the end of the season. The average temperature at this time of the year is 24 degrees Celsius or 75 Fahrenheit with little rain.

The Winter

The winters in Hong Kong weather are much cooler than all three other seasons but that does not mean that you will experience extreme cold. The winter ranges from mid-December all the way through February. If you had to choose a time to visit Hong Kong between the summer and the winter, you would do well to do so in the winter. The colder Hong Kong weather means that you will need a sweater during the nighttime and a light jacket at night. There is no need to wear scarves or gloves although you may see the locals doing just that. The average temperature during the winter is 70 degrees Celsius or 63 Fahrenheit without much rain.


Living or visiting the city of Hong Kong during typhoon season (May through November) makes the possibility of experiencing a typhoon very real. You should always pay attention to the weather forecast or warnings from the Hong Kong observatory. If Hong Kong weather issues a number 8 signal, it may be too late to leave the city as flights are usually cancelled. If you are in the city when a typhoon is making its way, there are shelters that are available for the people of the city. Even if a tropical cyclone does not hit the city directly, most of the time they will pass close enough to cause some sort of damage and injuries.



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